
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Sport Specific Abdominal Exercises

The muscles of the core region are important in many athletic movements. By acting to stabilize the pelvis and spine they allow more rapid and powerful movements of the limbs. Core stability can also reduce the risk of both acute and chronic injuries. For more information see the core strength trainingarticle.
Its worth bearing in mind that core stability is not simply a case of strengthening the stomach muscles. While abdominal exercises certainly have their place in sport-specific strength training programs, various types of resistance exercises are important to strengthen other core muscles. Remember also that if performed correctly, compound exercises involving multiple joints will often work the abdominals as they contract isometrically to stabilize the trunk.
Few if any abdominal exercises are suitable for all sports. A needs analysis of the athlete and movement analysis of their sport will confirm which abdominal exercises are most appropriate.
The following exercises will help to develop basic strength in the abdominals and prepare the core region for more explosive and demanding exercises later on:
Basic Crunch / Sit Up
This is abdominal exercise can be used by a wide variety of athletes to build basic strength in the abdominal muscles. Variations include:
  • Twisting during the sit up to touch either knee with each eblow
  • Holding the end position for several seconds
  • V-ups or doubles crunches (see advanced abdominal exercises above)
  • Sitting up to catch or head a ball
Medicine ball plank
Medicine Ball Plank
1) On your knees and place hands on a medicine ball.
2) Start position: Align hands at nipple line, place feet hip width apart on toes, and extend the arms to raise body up. Trunk and hips should be in a straight line.
3) Hold for 10 seconds. This is one set. Gradually build up to 30 seconds plus.
The following exercises replicate and help to improve the many athletic movements involve twisting and turning:
Russian twistSeated Russian Twists
1) Sitting down suspend your feet off of the ground.
2) Holding a medicine ball rotate your shoulders side to side touching the medicine ball to the ground. Keep feet off floor 3) Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.

Side throwsSide Throws
1) Stand with feet hip-width apart; place left foot approximately one foot in front of right foot.
2) Hold medicine ball with both hands and arms only slightly bent.
3) Swing ball over to the right hip and forcefully underhand toss ball forward to a partner or wall. Keep the stomach drawn in to maximize proper usage of muscle.
4) Catch ball on the bounce from your partner or wall and repeat according to prescribed repetitions.
Explosive power is essential in many sports. These abdominal exercises will help to develop power in the core musculature:
1) Stand with feet parallel and knees slightly bent.
2) Pull medicine ball back behind head and forcefully throw ball down on the ground as hard as possible.
3) Catch the ball on the bounce from the ground and repeat according to prescribed repetitions.

Single arm throwsSingle Arm Throws
1) Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
2) Grasp medicine ball and lower body into a semi-squat position. Explode up extending the entire body and throwing the ball up into the air.
3) The goal is to throw the ball as high as you can and generating most of the power in the legs. Minimize the time between squatting down and exploding up i.e. dont stay in a crouched position.
4) Catch ball on the bounce and repeat according to prescribed repetitions.

